I don't know about everyone else, but sometimes I have ideas in my head that seem so perfect and don't turn out that way. Well, this glass block was one of those ideas.
I love glass blocks!! I love putting things in them and combining stuff. So, I saw the starfish and the big seashell and thought they would look great in a glass block. I thought I would put them behind the anchor and it would just turn out fantastic. Well all my craft items had ideas of their own :(
The first problem I encountered was that the sticker on the glass block was stuck on there really, really well. I bought this block from Walmart and the ones I've bought from Hobby Lobby never had this problem. Needless to say, I will not buy it from Walmart again! I had to use a razor blade to get it off. I honestly thought this project would take like 15 minutes, but because of all the issues it took way longer! Anyway, the sticky residue was leftover so I had to use the Goof Off to make it all clean! Yea, for these kinds of products!!!!
As you can see from the picture, I started by putting the sand in the bottom of the block with the seashells on top of it. Then I went to put the big seashell and the starfish in and of course they wouldn't fit through the hole. So that was problem #2! I was super bummed, but moved on after about 10 minutes of trying to push the starfish in. Then problem #3 occurred! I decided I would be smart and use a spray tacky glue to glue the glitter on my anchor and it would be faster. Well, I put the anchor on a paper plate and thought if I sprayed close enough it wouldn't get on my table. WRONG!! It definitely got on the table! Thank goodness for Goof Off!!
After all of the problems and mishaps I got it all in the block and put my ribbon on the outside.
The final product isn't what I had in my head when I started, but it still turned out really cute! I at least learned a few things from this project for the next time I do a glass block. 1- Buy my block from Hobby Lobby. 2- Make sure to measure the things I want to put in the block to make sure they fit through the hole. 3- Don't use spray tacky glue in the house or to put glitter on something. Always use mod podge or glue!!! 4- Crafting is about rolling with the punches. And 5- Crafting doesn't always have to be perfect! #5 has taken me years to learn!! I am a perfectionist and I have really had to work on letting that go when I craft, because sometimes it looks way better when it isn't perfect!
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