Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Ornament

So I wanted to make an ornament to give to all the primary children in my ward.  I wanted it to be simple and fairly inexpensive to make, so I went to my favorite place, PINTEREST!!!  I have to admit I am a little bit addicted to pinterest.  You all know you secretly are too!  I found this. I thought it was perfect, then when I got all the stuff I realized it was a little bigger than what I wanted.  So I tweeked it to fit the picture I had in my head.  I started out by going to Hobby Lobby and buying a few supplies.

I paid $3 for each of these and bought two packages.  I cut each stick into two pieces.  It was a little time consuming, but worth it in the end.  Then I hot glued the sticks into the shape of a stable.  It took 5 of the half sticks to accomplish this. 
Then I took the star sticker and took the back off and stuck it in the glitter.  I bought the stickers hoping it would save me time by not having to glue.  It worked out so well!  I was quite impressed when I was done.  I hot glued the star on the top and wrote with a sharpie "He is the Reason."  Then I cut some jute twine and glued it to the back of the ornament.
I used one full package of sticks and a third of the second package and got about 80 ornaments.  I didn't even use all of the stars, which is a bonus because they can be used for another project, YEA!  So I spent under $10 for the whole project.   

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